

Extensión UNAM:


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2020 - Cabrera, Carlos and Makienko, Peter and Poirier, Alfredo (ver en línea)
On {N}\"{o}rlund-{V}oronoi summability and instability of rational maps.
Arnold Mathematical Journal, 523--549

2019 - Cabrera, Carlos and Makienko, Peter and Sienra, Guillermo (ver en línea)
On hyperbolic cobordisms and {H}urwitz classes of holomorphic coverings.
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics. An Electronic Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 283--306

2018 - Cabrera, Carlos and Makienko, Peter (ver en línea)
On hyperbolic metric and invariant {B}eltrami differentials for rational maps.
Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2346--2360

2015 - Cabrera, Carlos and Makienko, Peter and Sienra, Guillermo (ver en línea)
On {P}oincar\'{e} extensions of rational maps.
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics. An Electronic Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 197--220

2015 - Cabrera, Carlos and Makienko, Peter and Plaumann, Peter (ver en línea)
Semigroups of mappings and correspondences: characters and representations in holomorphic dynamical systems.
Nonlinear dynamics new directions, 195--219

2013 - Cabrera, Carlos and Makienko, Peter and Plaumann, Peter (ver en línea)
Semigroup representations in holomorphic dynamics.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A, 1333--1349

2011 - Cabrera, Carlos and Makienko, Peter (ver en línea)
On decomposable rational maps.
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics. An Electronic Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 210--218

2010 - Cabrera, Carlos and Makienko, Peter (ver en línea)
On dynamical {T}eichm\"{u}ller spaces.
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics. An Electronic Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 256--268

2008 - Makienko, Peter M.
Remarks on the dynamic of the {R}uelle operator and invariant differentials.
Dal\cprime nevostochny\u{\i} Matematicheski\u{\i} Zhurnal. Far Eastern Mathematical Journal, 180--205

2006 - Makienko, Peter M. (ver en línea)
Non-persistently recurrent points, {QC}-surgery and instability of rational maps with totally disconnected {J}ulia sets.
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics. An Electronic Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 197--202

2006 - Makienko, P. and Sienra, G.
Poincar\'{e} series and instability of exponential maps.
Sociedad Matem\'{a}tica Mexicana. Bolet\'{\i}n. Tercera Serie, 213--228

2005 - Makienko, Peter M. (ver en línea)
Remarks on the {R}uelle operator and the invariant line fields problem. {II}.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 1561--1581

2005 - Dom\'{\i}nguez, Patricia and Makienko, Peter M. and Sienra, Guillermo (ver en línea)
Ruelle operator and transcendental entire maps.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A, 773--789

2000 - Makienko, Peter M. (ver en línea)
Unbounded components in parameter space of rational maps.
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics. An Electronic Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 1--21

1995 - Makienko, Peter M.
Pinching deformations of rational maps.
Dynamical systems and chaos, {V}ol. 1 ({H}achioji, 1994), 174--177

1991 - Makienko, Peter M.
On measurable field compatible with rational functions.
Dynamical systems and related topics ({N}agoya, 1990), 373--387

1991 - Makienko, P. M. (ver en línea)
Herman rings in the theory of iterations of endomorphisms of {${\bf C}^*$}.
Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe Otdelenie. Sibirski\u{\i} Matematicheski\u{\i} Zhurnal, 97--103

1990 - Makienko, Peter M.
Some results on theory of iterations.
Proceedings of the {S}econd {S}oviet-{J}apan {J}oint {S}ymposium of {T}opology ({K}habarovsk, 1989)Questions and Answers in General Topology, 265--271

1990 - Makienko, P. M.
Modular groups of certain rational functions.
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 793--794

1987 - Makienko, P. M.
Iterations of analytic functions in {${\bf C}^*$}.
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 35--37