

Extensión UNAM:


Sistemas Dinámicos holomorfos


[2019] \copyright 2019 - Verjovsky, Alberto
Intersection of quadrics in {$\Bbb C^n$}, moment-angle manifolds, complex manifolds and convex manifolds.
Complex non-{K}\"{a}hler geometry, 163--240

[2019] \copyright 2019 - Dinew, S\l awomir and Picard, Sebastien and Teleman, Andrei and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Complex non-{K}\"{a}hler geometry.
, xv+240

2020 - Cruz-L\'{o}pez, Manuel and L\'{o}pez-Hern\'{a}ndez, Francisco J. and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Some aspects of rotation theory on compact abelian groups.
Colloquium Mathematicum, 131--155

2020 - Alcalde Cuesta, F. and Dal'Bo, F. and Mart\'{\i}nez, M. and Verjovsky, A. (ver en línea)
Unique ergodicity of the horocycle flow on {R}iemannnian foliations.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 1459--1479

2020 - Burgos, Juan Manuel and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Teichm\"{u}ller theory of the universal hyperbolic lamination.
Annales Academi\ae Scientiarum Fennic\ae . Mathematica, 577--599

2020 - Romero, Otto and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Eisenstein series and equidistribution of {L}ebesgue probability measures on compact leaves of the horocycle foliations of {B}ianchi 3-orbifolds.
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series. Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matem\'{a}tica, 47--79

2020 - Quinn, Joseph and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Cusp shapes of {H}ilbert-{B}lumenthal surfaces.
Geometriae Dedicata, 27--42

2019 - D\'{\i}az, Juan Pablo and Hinojosa, Gabriela and Mendoza, Martha and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Dynamically defined wild knots and {O}thoniel's {\it {M}y {W}ay}.
Journal of Mathematics and the Arts, 230--242

2019 - Glazebrook, James F. and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Homology theory formulas for generalized {R}iemann-{H}urwitz and generalized monoidal transformations.
Bolet\'{\i}n de la Sociedad Matem\'{a}tica Mexicana. Third Series, 427--442

2019 - D\'{\i}az, Juan Pablo and Hinojosa, Gabriela and Verjosvky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Cubulated moves for 2-knots.
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 1950008, 21

2019 - Alcalde Cuesta, Fernando and Dal'Bo, Fran\c{c}oise and Mart\'{\i}nez, Matilde and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
On the construction of minimal foliations by hyperbolic surfaces on 3-manifolds.
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, F\'{\i}sicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matematicas. RACSAM, 4127--4144

2018 - D\'{\i}az, Juan Pablo and Verjovsky, Alberto and Vlacci, Fabio (ver en línea)
Quaternionic {K}leinian modular groups and arithmetic hyperbolic orbifolds over the quaternions.
Geometriae Dedicata, 127--155

2018 - D\'{\i}az, Juan Pablo and Hinojosa, Gabriela and Valdez, Rogelio and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Smoothing closed gridded surfaces embedded in {$\Bbb R^4$}.
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 1850065, 14

2017 - Alcalde Cuesta, Fernando and Dal'Bo, Fran\c{c}oise and Mart\'{\i}nez, Matilde and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Corrigendum to "{M}inimality of the horocycle flow on laminations by hyperbolic surfaces with non-trivial topology" [ {MR}3541498].
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A, 4585--4586

2017 - Barreto, Yadira and L\'{o}pez de Medrano, Santiago and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Some open book and contact structures on moment-angle manifolds.
Bolet\'{\i}n de la Sociedad Matem\'{a}tica Mexicana. Third Series, 423--437

2017 - Glazebrook, James F. and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Rational and iterated maps, degeneracy loci, and the generalized {R}iemann-{H}urwitz formula.
Singularities in geometry, topology, foliations and dynamics, 105--124

2016 - Hinojosa, Gabriela and Verjovsky Marcotte, Cynthia and Verjovsky, Alberto
Carousel wild knots are ambient homogeneous.
A mathematical tribute to {P}rofessor {J}os\'{e} {M}ar\'{\i}a {M}ontesinos {A}milibia, 423--436

2016 - Alcalde Cuesta, Fernando and Dal'Bo, Fran\c{c}oise and Mart\'{\i}nez, Matilde and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Minimality of the horocycle flow on laminations by hyperbolic surfaces with non-trivial topology.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A, 4619--4635

2016 - Mart\'{\i}nez, Matilde and Matsumoto, Shigenori and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Horocycle flows for laminations by hyperbolic {R}iemann surfaces and {H}edlund's theorem.
Journal of Modern Dynamics, 113--134

2015 - Gendron, T. M. and Verjovsky, A. (ver en línea)
Nonlinear number fields.
Bolet\'{\i}n de la Sociedad Matem\'{a}tica Mexicana. Third Series, 125--147

2014 - Barreto, Yadira and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Moment-angle manifolds, intersection of quadrics and higher dimensional contact manifolds.
Moscow Mathematical Journal, 669--696, 827

2014 - Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Commentaries on the paper {\it {S}olenoidal manifolds} by {D}ennis {S}ullivan [MR3249058].
Journal of Singularities, 245--251

2014 - Garc\'{\i}a-Compe\'{a}n, Hugo and Santos-Silva, Roberto and Verjovsky, Alberto
Invariants of four-manifolds with flows via cohomological field theory.
Frontiers in complex dynamics, 645--676

2014 - Katzarkov, Ludmil and Lupercio, Ernesto and Meersseman, Laurent and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
The definition of a non-commutative toric variety.
Algebraic topology: applications and new directions, 223--250

2013 - Hinojosa, Gabriela and Verjovsky, Alberto and Marcotte, Cynthia Verjovsky (ver en línea)
Cubulated moves and discrete knots.
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 1350079, 26

2012 - Verjovsky, Alberto
Marco {B}runella 1964--2012.
European Mathematical Society. Newsletter, 29--31

2011 - Gendron, T. M. and Verjovsky, A. (ver en línea)
Errata: {G}eometric {G}alois theory, nonlinear number fields and a {G}alois group interpretation of the idele class group [MR2153484; reprint of MR2748194].
International Journal of Mathematics, 307--309

2011 - Meersseman, Laurent and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Corrigendum to ``{A} smooth foliation of the 5-sphere by complex surfaces'' [MR1954239].
Annals of Mathematics. Second Series, 1951--1952

2011 - Boege, Margareta and Hinojosa, Gabriela and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Any smooth knot {$\Bbb S^n\hookrightarrow\Bbb R^{n+2}$} is isotopic to a cubic knot contained in the canonical scaffolding of {$\Bbb R^{n+2}$}.
Revista Matem\'{a}tica Complutense, 1--13

2010 - Gendron, T. M. and Verjovsky, A. (ver en línea)
Errata: {G}eometric {G}alois theory, nonlinear number fields and a {G}alois group interpretation of the idele class group [MR2153484].
International Journal of Mathematics, 1383--1385

2010 - Nicolae, Florin and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Discrete {S}chwartz distributions and the {R}iemann zeta-function.
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series. Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matem\'{a}tica, 211--221

2009 - Meersseman, Laurent and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
On the moduli space of certain smooth codimension-one foliations of the 5-sphere by complex surfaces.
Journal f\"{u}r die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. [Crelle's Journal], 143--202

2009 - Boege, Margareta and Hinojosa, Gabriela and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Wild knots in higher dimensions as limit sets of {K}leinian groups.
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics. An Electronic Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 197--216

2008 - Hinojosa, Gabriela and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Actions of discrete groups on spheres and real projective spaces.
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series. Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matem\'{a}tica, 157--171

2008 - Meersseman, Laurent and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Sur les vari\'{e}t\'{e}s {LV}-{M}.
Singularities {II}, 111--134

2006 - Hinojosa, Gabriela and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Homogeneity of dynamically defined wild knots.
Revista Matem\'{a}tica Complutense, 101--111

2006 - Benatti, Fabio and Verjovsky, Alberto and Zertuche, Federico (ver en línea)
Discrete dynamical systems embedded in {C}antor sets.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 022705, 18

2005 - Seade, Jos\'{e} and Tib\u{a}r, Mihai and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Global {E}uler obstruction and polar invariants.
Mathematische Annalen, 393--403

2005 - Gendron, T. M. and Verjovsky, A. (ver en línea)
Geometric {G}alois theory, nonlinear number fields and a {G}alois group interpretation of the idele class group.
International Journal of Mathematics, 567--593

2005 - Seade, Jos\'{e} and Tib\u{a}r, Mihai and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Milnor numbers and {E}uler obstruction.
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series. Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matem\'{a}tica, 275--283

2004 - Meersseman, Laurent and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Holomorphic principal bundles over projective toric varieties.
Journal f\"{u}r die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. [Crelle's Journal], 57--96

2003 - Seade, Jos\'{e} and Verjovsky, Alberto
Complex {S}chottky groups.
Ast\'{e}risque, xx, 251--272

2003 - L\^{e}, D\~{u}ng Tr\'{a}ng and Seade, Jos\'{e} and Verjovsky, Alberto
Quadrics, orthogonal actions and involutions in complex projective spaces.
L'Enseignement Math\'{e}matique. Revue Internationale. 2e S\'{e}rie, 173--203

2002 - Seade, Jos\'{e} and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Higher dimensional complex {K}leinian groups.
Mathematische Annalen, 279--300

2002 - Meersseman, Laurent and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
A smooth foliation of the 5-sphere by complex surfaces.
Annals of Mathematics. Second Series, 915--930

2002 - Ruas, Maria Aparecida Soares and Seade, Jos\'{e} and Verjovsky, Alberto
On real singularities with a {M}ilnor fibration.
Trends in singularities, 191--213

2001 - Meersseman, Laurent and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Structures alg\'{e}briques exotiques de {$\bold R^4$} et conjectures de {P}oincar\'{e}.
Comptes Rendus de l'Acad\'{e}mie des Sciences. S\'{e}rie I. Math\'{e}matique, 63--66

2001 - Seade, Jos\'{e} and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Actions of discrete groups on complex projective spaces.
Laminations and foliations in dynamics, geometry and topology ({S}tony {B}rook, {NY}, 1998), 155--178

1999 - Galeeva, R. and Verjovsky, A. (ver en línea)
Quaternion dynamics and fractals in {${\bf R}^4$}.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 1771--1775

1999 - Verjovsky, Alberto
Sistemas de {A}nosov.
, iv+65

1999 - Seade, J. and Verjovsky, A.
Kleinian groups in higher dimensions.
Revista del Seminario Iberoamericano de Matem\'{a}ticas Singularidades en Tordesillas, 27--34

1998 - Eells, James and Verjovsky, Alberto
Harmonic and {R}iemannian foliations.
Sociedad Matem\'{a}tica Mexicana. Bolet\'{\i}n. Tercera Serie, 1--12

1998 - Aguilar, M. A. and Seade, J. A. and Verjovsky, A.
Indices of vector fields and topological invariants of real analytic singularities.
Journal f\"{u}r die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. [Crelle's Journal], 159--176

1997 - L\'{o}pez de Medrano, Santiago and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
A new family of complex, compact, non-symplectic manifolds.
Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matem\'{a}tica. Nova S\'{e}rie, 253--269

1997 - Seade, Jos\'{e} and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Invariance topologique de la classe d'{E}uler pour des feuilletages singuliers.
Comptes Rendus de l'Acad\'{e}mie des Sciences. S\'{e}rie I. Math\'{e}matique, 645--648

1996 - Verjovsky, A. and Wu, H. (ver en línea)
Hausdorff dimension of {J}ulia sets of complex {H}\'{e}non mappings.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 849--861

1994 - Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Discrete measures and the {R}iemann hypothesis.
Kodai Mathematical Journal, 596--608

1994 - Ghys, \'{E}tienne and Verjovsky, Alberto
Locally free holomorphic actions of the complex affine group.
Geometric study of foliations ({T}okyo, 1993), 201--217

1994 - Verjovsky, Alberto and Vila Freyer, Ricardo F. (ver en línea)
The {J}ones-{W}itten invariant for flows on a {$3$}-dimensional manifold.
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 73--88

1994 - Loo, Bonaventure and Verjovsky, Alberto
On quotients of {H}opf fibrations.
Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Universit\`a di Trieste. An International Journal of Mathematics, 103--108 (1995)

1993 - Verjovsky, A.
Arithmetic geometry and dynamics in the unit tangent bundle of the modular orbifold.
Dynamical systems ({S}antiago, 1990), 263--298

1993 - Gomes-Mont, Kh. and Seade, Kh. and Verkhovski\u{\i}, A. (ver en línea)
On the topology of a holomorphic vector field in a neighborhood of an isolated singularity.
Funktsional\cprime ny\u{\i} Analiz i ego Prilozheniya, 22--31, 96

1992 - Loo, Bonaventure and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
The {H}opf fibration over {$S^8$} admits no {$S^1$}-subfibration.
Topology. An International Journal of Mathematics, 239--254

1991 - G\'{o}mez-Mont, X. and Seade, J. and Verjovsky, A. (ver en línea)
The index of a holomorphic flow with an isolated singularity.
Mathematische Annalen, 737--751

1990 - Nag, Subhashis and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
{${\rm Diff}(S^1)$} and the {T}eichm\"{u}ller spaces.
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 123--138

1989 - Mohammad, Noor and Verjovsky, Alberto
An inner product for a {B}anach {${}^\ast$}-algebra.
Bolet\'{\i}n de la Sociedad Matem\'{a}tica Mexicana. Segunda Serie, 23--29

1989 - Pereira do Valle, A. and Verjovsky, A.
Two examples of escaping harmonic maps.
Proceedings of the {S}ixth {I}nternational {C}olloquium on {D}ifferential {G}eometry ({S}antiago de {C}ompostela, 1988), 219--229

1988 - Glazebrook, J. F. and Verjovsky, A.
Residual circuits in generalized monoidal transformations.
Bolet\'{\i}n de la Sociedad Matem\'{a}tica Mexicana. Segunda Serie, 19--25

1988 - Alexander, J. C. and Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
First integrals for singular holomorphic foliations with leaves of bounded volume.
Holomorphic dynamics ({M}exico, 1986), 1--10

1987 - Verjovsky, Alberto
A uniformization theorem for holomorphic foliations.
The {L}efschetz centennial conference, {P}art {III} ({M}exico {C}ity, 1984), 233--253

1985 - Verjovsky, Alberto
Topological actions of {L}ie groups.
Colloquium on dynamical systems ({G}uanajuato, 1983), 152--158

1985 - Gallo, D. and Verjovsky, A.
Universal {T}eichm\"{u}ller space and {H}ausdorff dimension.
Colloquium on dynamical systems ({G}uanajuato, 1983), 31--35

1985 - Gitler, S. and Glazebrook, J. F. and Verjovsky, A.
On the generalised {R}iemann-{H}urwitz formula.
Bolet\'{\i}n de la Sociedad Matem\'{a}tica Mexicana. Segunda Serie, 1--11

1974 - Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
A note on foliations on spheres.
Bolet\'{\i}n de la Sociedad Matem\'{a}tica Mexicana. Segunda Serie, 36--37

1974 - Verjovsky, Alberto
Codimension one {A}nosov flows.
Bolet\'{\i}n de la Sociedad Matem\'{a}tica Mexicana. Segunda Serie, 49--77

1973 - Verjovsky-Sola, Santiago Alberto (ver en línea)
, 81

1970 - Verjovsky, Alberto (ver en línea)
Flows with cross sections.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1154--1156