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Teoria de Numeros Algebraicos y Trascendentes, Aritmética de Campos de Funciones, Curvas Elipticas, Teoria de Modelos


2019 - Gendron, T. M.
The arithmetic of diophantine approximation groups {I}: linear theory.
New York Journal of Mathematics, 238--314

2018 - Demangos, Luca and Gendron, T. M. (ver en línea)
Correction to: {Q}uantum {$j$}-invariant in positive characteristic {I}: definition and convergence [ {MR}3514724].
Archiv der Mathematik, 443--447

2016 - Demangos, L. and Gendron, T. M. (ver en línea)
Quantum {$j$}-invariant in positive characteristic {II}: formulas and values at the quadratics.
Archiv der Mathematik, 159--166

2016 - Demangos, L. and Gendron, T. M. (ver en línea)
Quantum {$j$}-invariant in positive characteristic {I}: definition and convergence.
Archiv der Mathematik, 23--35

2015 - Gendron, T. M. and Verjovsky, A. (ver en línea)
Nonlinear number fields.
Bolet\'{\i}n de la Sociedad Matem\'{a}tica Mexicana. Third Series, 125--147

2014 - Casta\~{n}o-Bernard, C. and Gendron, T. M. (ver en línea)
Modular invariant of quantum tori.
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series, 1014--1049

2011 - Gendron, T. M. and Verjovsky, A. (ver en línea)
Errata: {G}eometric {G}alois theory, nonlinear number fields and a {G}alois group interpretation of the idele class group [MR2153484; reprint of MR2748194].
International Journal of Mathematics, 307--309

2010 - Gendron, T. M. and Verjovsky, A. (ver en línea)
Errata: {G}eometric {G}alois theory, nonlinear number fields and a {G}alois group interpretation of the idele class group [MR2153484].
International Journal of Mathematics, 1383--1385

2009 - Gendron, T. M. (ver en línea)
Approximate roots of pseudo-{A}nosov diffeomorphisms.
Universit\'{e} de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 1413--1442

2008 - Gendron, T. M. (ver en línea)
The geometric theory of the fundamental germ.
Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 1--34

2008 - Gendron, T. M. (ver en línea)
The external fundamental group of an algebraic number field.
Comptes Rendus Math\'{e}matique. Acad\'{e}mie des Sciences. Paris, 253--256

2006 - Gendron, T. M. (ver en línea)
The algebraic theory of the fundamental germ.
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series. Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matem\'{a}tica, 49--87

2005 - Gendron, T. M. and Verjovsky, A. (ver en línea)
Geometric {G}alois theory, nonlinear number fields and a {G}alois group interpretation of the idele class group.
International Journal of Mathematics, 567--593

2002 - Gendron, T. M. (ver en línea)
The {E}hrenpreis conjecture and the moduli-rigidity gap.
Complex manifolds and hyperbolic geometry ({G}uanajuato, 2001), 207--229

1997 - Gendron, Timothy Mooney (ver en línea)
Fuchsian germs.
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