


Extensión UNAM:


Análisis complejo, Análisis armónico y Análisis de Clifford


2018 - Marmolejo-Olea, E. and Mitrea, D. and Mitrea, I. and Mitrea, M. (ver en línea)
Radiation conditions and integral representations for {C}lifford algebra-valued null-solutions of the {H}elmholtz operator.
Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York), 367--472

2017 - Marmolejo-Olea, Emilio and Mitrea, Dorina and Mitrea, Irina and Mitrea, Marius (ver en línea)
Hardy spaces of {C}lifford algebra-valued monogenic functions in exterior domains and a higher dimensional version of {C}auchy's vanishing theorem.
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations. An International Journal, 1374--1392

2016 - Cruz, Victor and Marmolejo-Olea, Emilio and P\'{e}rez-Esteva, Salvador (ver en línea)
Weighted solution of the {D}irac {B}eltrami equation with coefficient in {VMO}.
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations. An International Journal, 747--760

2013 - Marmolejo-Olea, Emilio and P\'{e}rez-Esteva, Salvador (ver en línea)
Far-field patterns of solutions of the perturbed {D}irac equation.
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 1376--1387

2012 - Marmolejo-Olea, Emilio and Mitrea, Irina and Mitrea, Marius and Shi, Qiang (ver en línea)
Transmission boundary problems for {D}irac operators on {L}ipschitz domains and applications to {M}axwell's and {H}elmholtz's equations.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 4369--4424

2009 - Marmolejo Olea, Emilio and Mitrea, Marius and Shi, Qiang
The {B}anach envelope of monogenic {H}ardy spaces in {L}ipschitz domains.
Proceedings of the {S}ixth {C}ongress of {R}omanian {M}athematicians. {V}ol. 1, 269--278

2009 - Hofmann, Steve and Marmolejo-Olea, Emilio and Mitrea, Marius and P\'{e}rez-Esteva, Salvador and Taylor, Michael (ver en línea)
Hardy spaces, singular integrals and the geometry of {E}uclidean domains of locally finite perimeter.
Geometric and Functional Analysis, 842--882

2007 - Marmolejo-Olea, Emilio and P\'{e}rez-Esteva, Salvador
An analytic {R}adon-{N}ikodym property related to systems of vector-valued conjugate harmonic functions and {C}lifford analysis.
Sociedad Matem\'{a}tica Mexicana. Bolet\'{\i}n. Tercera Serie, 131--144

2005 - Marmolejo-Olea, Emilio and P\'{e}rez-Esteva, Salvador and Shapiro, Michael (ver en línea)
Modules of solutions of the {H}elmholtz equation arising from eigenfunctions of the {D}irac operator.
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society. Simon Stevin, 175--192

2004 - Marmolejo-Olea, Emilio and Mitrea, Marius
Harmonic analysis for general first order differential operators in {L}ipschitz domains.
Clifford algebras ({C}ookeville, {TN}, 2002), 91--114

2003 - Balanzario, E. P. and Marmolejo-Olea, E. (ver en línea)
Ingham {T}auberian theorem with an estimate for the error term.
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 4025--4031

2001 - Marmolejo Olea, Emilio (ver en línea)
Morera type problems in {C}lifford analysis.
Revista Matem\'{a}tica Iberoamericana, 559--585