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2016 - Zertuche, Federico (ver en línea)
On the number of {$NK$}-{K}auffman networks mapped into a functional graph.
Complex Systems, 329--345

2015 - Zertuche, Federico (ver en línea)
Canalization and the stability of {$NK$}-{K}auffman networks.
Physica D. Nonlinear Phenomena, 1--5

2014 - Zertuche, Federico (ver en línea)
Phase transition in {$NK$}-{K}auffman networks and its correction for {B}oolean irreducibility.
Physica D. Nonlinear Phenomena, 35--42

2012 - Takane, Martha and Zertuche, Federico (ver en línea)
{$\Bbb Z_2$}-algebras in the {B}oolean function irreducible decomposition.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 023516, 17

2009 - Zertuche, Federico (ver en línea)
On the robustness of {$NK$}-{K}auffman networks against changes in their connections and {B}oolean functions.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 043513, 11

2007 - Romero, David and Zertuche, Federico (ver en línea)
Number of different binary functions generated by {$NK$}-{K}auffman networks and the emergence of genetic robustness.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 083506, 11

2006 - Benatti, Fabio and Verjovsky, Alberto and Zertuche, Federico (ver en línea)
Discrete dynamical systems embedded in {C}antor sets.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 022705, 18

2005 - Romero, D. and Zertuche, F. (ver en línea)
Grasping the connectivity of random functional graphs.
Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica. A Quarterly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1--19

2004 - Benatti, Fabio and Cappellini, Valerio and Zertuche, Federico (ver en línea)
Quantum dynamical entropies in discrete classical chaos.
Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 105--130

2003 - Romero, David and Zertuche, Federico (ver en línea)
The asymptotic number of attractors in the random map model.
Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 3691--3700

2000 - Waelbroeck, Henri and Zertuche, Federico (ver en línea)
Categorization and effective perceptron learning in feed-forward neural networks.
Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 5809--5818

1999 - Waelbroeck, Henri and Zertuche, Federico (ver en línea)
Discrete chaos.
Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 175--189

1994 - Zertuche, F. and L\'{o}pez-Pe\~{n}a, R. and Waelbroeck, H. (ver en línea)
Recognition of temporal sequences of patterns using state-dependent synapses.
Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 5879--5887

1994 - Waelbroeck, Henri and Zertuche, Federico (ver en línea)
Homotopy invariants and time evolution in {$(2+1)$}-dimensional gravity.
Physical Review. D. Third Series, 4966--4981

1992 - Urrutia, L. F. and Waelbroeck, H. and Zertuche, F. (ver en línea)
The algebra of supertraces for {$(2+1)$} super de {S}itter gravity.
Modern Physics Letters A. Particles and Fields, Gravitation, Cosmology, Nuclear Physics, 2715--2721

1992 - Urrutia, L. F. and Zertuche, F. (ver en línea)
The {P}oincar\'{e} limit in {$2+1$} dimensional quantum de {S}itter gravity.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 641--650

1992 - Waelbroeck, Henri and Urrutia, Luis and Zertuche, Federico
A lattice theory with curvature and exact translation symmetry.
The {S}ixth {M}arcel {G}rossmann {M}eeting, {P}art {A}, {B} ({K}yoto, 1991), 847--849

1992 - Urrutia, L. F. and Waelbroeck, H. and Zertuche, F.
{$2+1$} super de {S}itter gravity.
The {S}ixth {M}arcel {G}rossmann {M}eeting, {P}art {A}, {B} ({K}yoto, 1991), 537--539

1992 - L\'{o}pez-Pe\~{n}a, R. and Urrutia, Luis F. and Zertuche, Federico
Realizations for {${\rm SU}(2)_q$} and {${\rm SU}(1,1)_q$} in terms of underlying {L}ie algebras.
Revista Mexicana de F\'{\i}sica, S102--S113

1991 - Zertuche, F. and Urrutia, L. F.
The algebra of traces in some {C}hern-{S}imons theories.
Relativity and gravitation: classical and quantum ({C}ocoyoc, 1990), 432--436

1991 - Zertuche, F. and Urrutia, L. F. (ver en línea)
The algebra of traces for conformal gravity in {$2+1$} dimensions.
Physics Letters. B. Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology, 424--426

1990 - Nelson, J. E. and Regge, T. and Zertuche, F. (ver en línea)
Homotopy groups and {$(2+1)$}-dimensional quantum de {S}itter gravity.
Nuclear Physics. B. Theoretical, Phenomenological, and Experimental High Energy Physics. Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Systems, 516--532

1985 - Urrutia, L. G. and D'Olivo, J. C. and Zertuche, F. (ver en línea)
On the {P}auli-{V}an {V}leck formula for arbitrary quadratic systems with memory in one dimension.
Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, L1071--L1073

1985 - Hojman, S. and Zertuche, F. (ver en línea)
{$S$}-equivalence and symmetries of first-order differential systems.
Nuovo Cimento B. Serie Undici, 1--8

1985 - D'Olivo, J. C. and Urrutia, L. F. and Zertuche, F. (ver en línea)
Scattering regime in supersymmetric quantum mechanics.
Physics Letters. B. Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology, 307--310

1985 - D'Olivo, J. C. and Urrutia, L. F. and Zertuche, F.
Some remarks on the structure of {$N=1$} supersymmetric quantum mechanics.
Relativity, supersymmetry and cosmology ({B}ariloche, 1985), 318--323